MIC303: Short Wave InfraRed (SWIR) Microscopes
OEM SWIR industrial microscope (900 – 1700nm) to be integrated in an inspection tool.
High yield homogeneous bright field Kohler illumination.
Adjustable aperture and field stops.
Fiber Light Source.
Optional auxiliary port (laser, vibrometer, spectrometer).
Optional 2nd camera interface.

Semiconductor (Front-End and Back-End)
PCB, FPD, solar cells, LEDs and MEMs
The mic303 can image details inside a Silicon Chip. By sliding ‘up’, the microscope is focused onto the outer surface, which was damaged by a laser beam (seen as a ‘crater’). However, by sliding ‘down’ the microscope is focused onto the internal chip which gradually shows a sharp image of the internal structure and the crater appears blurred and transparent
